Current version: 0.1.9
Remote protein record access made simple
NOTE: This github page hosts the development version, but not the distribution version. To get and install the current stable version of geeneus
use pip
[sudo] pip install geeneus
*The command above will install the current stable release. *
To upgrade to the current stable release, we recommend the command
pip install -U --no-deps geeneus
The --no-deps
flag means geenues is the only package which is updated
(i.e. no dependencies)
geeneus is designed as a simple to use, robust and reliable Python API to obtain biological record information (currently only protein data is supported). The tool primarily uses NCBI's protein database, but falls back on the EBI UniProt database in a totally seamless fashion if needed.
The motivation comes from the simple fact that when I began working with NCBI's databases I wanted an interface that allowed me to run a command like:
and the command would just return the sequence associated with that accession number. This didn't exist, so I decided to create it.
The primary focus of geeneus from day one has been ease of use. NCBI allows access to their records through an Entrez based RESTful API called eUtils. However, this can be complicated to set up, and to people who are less familiar with networking or programming this can pose a major barrier to access. Biopython goes some way to help with this, but still requires the user to parse XML, deal with networking, read handles, and lots of other things which are just more work.
Considering this, my goals were to;
Parse the returned XML - the user should never have to deal with XML unless they want to (note the raw XML associated with a record is still easily available!)
Deal with all the networking errors - the user should be able to turn their internet connection off while running and the system won't crash (it will probably stop getting results though)
Abstract any of the complexity to create a uniform and easy to use, API which returns built-in types. This means the various functions only return strings, lists, tuples and dictionaries.
The simplest way to is to just use pip
(note there's no need to download anything here, pip
downloads the source from the package index database and then installs it)
[sudo] pip install geeneus
More installation options can be found here.
Please note that I (and probably everyone else who uses Python) would strongly recommend using a virtualenv for installing packages, rather than the default system-wide Python. If you're unfamiliar with virtualenv
, take a look at this guide.
For now only protein record access usage is provided, as the gene record functionality is still in development. However, the backend provides an extendable framework for abstracting networking, caching records and error handling, such that the addition of additional data types is reasonably straight forward (i.e. the only additional code needed is record type specific XML parsing)
geeneus as a package contains a module for each type of record you might want to parse (protein, gene etc). To set up for protein records, you do;
from geeneus import Proteome
manager = Proteome.ProteinManager("")
And from there, the NCBI/UniProt protein data is at your fingertips. Say we want the sequence for the protein sprouty homolog 4 isoform 2. This protein has the accession number "NP_001120968
", so we simply do
and we're greeted with the sequence (formatting for easy reading here)
'meppipqsap ltpnsvmvqp lldsrmshsr lqhpltilpi dqvktshve ndyidnpsla
lttgpkrtrg gapelaptpa rcdqdvthhw isfsgrpssv ssssstssd qrlldhmapp
pvadqaspra vriqpkvvhc qpldlkgpav ppeldkhfll ceacgkckc kecasprtlp
scwvcnqecl csaqtlvnyg tcmclvqgif yhctneddeg scadhpcsc srsnccarws
fmgalsvvlp cllcylpatg cvklaqrgyd rlrrpgcrck htnsvicka asgdaktsrp
For the full range of functions available see below, or try help(manager)
or help(geneeus.Proteome)
Note that geeneues does not offer any searching capabilities.
Below there is a brief reference list for the available functions. The 'datastore' being mentioned here refers to the internal storage structure that holds the data as it's parsed and stored.
List of access modules
Proteome # for accessing protein data
Genome # for accessing gene information (currently non-functional)
List of Proteome functions
Protein Manager initializer parameters (default in parentheses)
email # required for NCBI database access
cache (True) # True or False: If set to True then the
datastore cache's records, while if False
a new record is downloaded on every
request. Unless you have a very specific
reason it is highly recommended to
keep this as True
retry (0) # Number of retries the NCBI networking
protocols use if access fails
uniprotShortut (True) # If true we check UniProt first and
exclusivly for some record types (see
the section "Shortcutting" below)
Introspective functions (queries relating to the datastore)
has_key(ID) # Check if an ID is currently cached in
the datastore (does not trigger downloading
on False)
keys() # Returns a list of all the protein IDs in the
datastore_size() # Get the number of records in the datastore
purge() # Delete all data from the datastore
error(ID) # See if the record associated with this ID
caused an error (discussed below in more
exists(ID) # See if the protein record associated with
this ID exists (discussed below in more
run_translation(ID) # Function to translate an accession to a GI
(uses a call to the NCBI lookup server)
save_datastore(filenam) # Saves the underlying datastore to be reloaded
by geeneus at some future date.
load_datastore(filename) # Loads a previously saved datastore. NOTE this does
not do any sanity checking so DO NOT try and load
something not created by geeneus
Protein record functions (queries relating to the record)
get_record_source(ID) # determine which database this
record was downloaded from (will
return either 'NCBI' or 'UniProt')
get_record_creation_date(ID) # get the date the record was created
in the database (not the datastore)
get_record_version(ID) # get the record version (discussed
in more detail below)
get_ID_type(ID) # returns a 2 position list where
[0] is an exit code and [1] is
the name of the ID type (if it
meets the criterion for any
specific type
Protein information functions (queries relating to the protein)
get_raw_xml(ID) # get an XML string for the record
get_protein_name(ID) # get the protein name
get_protein_sequence(ID) # get the amino acid sequence
get_protein_sequence_length(ID) # get number of amino acids in
get_geneID(ID) # if the protein is associated
with a specific gene ID then
this returns that ID
get_gene_name(ID) # if the protein is associated
with a specific gene then
this returns that gene's name
get_variants(ID) # get a list of variant
dictionaries (covered in detail
in a later section)
get_isoforms(ID) # get a list of isoforms indexed
by their isoform reference
(covered in detail in a later
get_domains(ID) # get a list of the PFAM
identified domains (covered in
detail later)
get_other_accessions(ID) # get a list of other accessions
which also point at this record
get_taxonomy(ID) # get the ordered taxonomy list of
the species this protein
originates from
get_species(ID) # get the species of origin
get_host(ID) # get the host of the species if this
is a viral protein, else returns an
'N/A' string
Batch protein information functions
batch_get_protein_sequence(List) # returns a list which
corresponds with the input list
of protein sequences
batch_get_protein_name(List) # returns a list which
corresponds with the input list
of protein names
batch_get_variants(List) # returns a list which
corresponds with the input list
of protein variants lists
Genome functions
Currently untested, so best to ignore for the time being...
Complex return types
Domains, variants, isoforms and other_accessions queries return complex structures (i.e. not a string or an integer). To understand what is being returned we briefly summarize them here. We also have a quick discussion on version numbers, UniProt shortcutting, and on error
and exists
A domain query returns a list of domain dictionaries, where each dictionary has the following key value pairs;
start # domain start location
stop # domain stop location
type # domain type (currently always `pfam`, but left in for
potential upgrades to different domain recognition
approaches in the future)
label # label information
accession # accession associated with the domain
UPDATE IN 0.1.6: Previously the key names were capitalized (e.g. 'Location', 'Original' etc). To add consistency with other complex types keys are now all lower case
A variant query returns a list of variant dictionaries, where each dictionary has the following key value pairs;
location # start location of the variant being reported
original # original amino acid(s) at location
mutant # new amino acid(s) at location
variant # a convenient X -> Y string for easy visualization of
what the variant is
type # Describes the type of variant
notes # any annotation provided in the reference database as
well as mutation references where possible
For type
there are a number of possible values;
"Deletion" # represent regions or amino acids
which are missing (e.g. AGDDT -> -)
"Deletion & substitution" # represents the situation where the
mutant is shorter and but other amino
acids are added (e.g. AGH -> AK)
"Insertion" # represent situations where the
mutated version is longer than the
original but the original is still
present (e.g A -> AKL)
"Insertion & substitution" # represent situations where the
mutated version is longer than the
original and we lose the original
(e.g. A -> GKL)
"Substitution (single)" # Single amino acid switch (e.g. A->G)
"Substitution (double)" # Double amino acid switch
(e.g. AK -> GL)
"Substitution (<X>)" # Greater than 2 substitution where <X>
is the length of the exchange
(e.g. if <X> = 4 then AKHI -> CDYW)
One potentially confusing is the use of DNA-typical vocabulary (insertion, deletion and subsitution) when talking about variant changes. It was decided that these provide appropriate and easy to understand terms, even if they typically refer to changes in DNA, not amino acid sequence. It's important to remember that a single substitution of an amino acid does not necessarily correspond to a SNP, and these descriptions refer exclusively to changes to the amino acid sequence, not the underlying DNA sequence.
Isoform queries return dictionary, where each key value is keyed by the isoform ID (which has the form "accession-X" e.g. Q12345-3). The value is a 2 position list, where position 0 is the isoform name/reference number and position 1 is the full isoform sequence.
For example, a protein with one isoform (Q12345-2) might return the following dictionary
Isoforms present some difficulties. Isoforms are defined in NCBI records in two different ways.
One set are based on feature annotation. A canonical record will have a number of features which describe the change in the various isoforms relative to that canonical sequence. Those isoforms don't have their own records - they exist as annotations in a canonical record and their sequences are represented as Q12345-X. geeneus can reconstruct these isoform amino acid sequences based on the annotations, which is how it builds the NCBI isoform lists (UniProt isoforms are each individually defined and linked to the reference record, so no reconstruction is required). One additional complication is that each isoform has both an isoform ID (Q12345-X) and an isoform name (isoform Y). While often X and Y are the same this is not always the case, sometimes Y is a word name (such a small, short, beta etc). More unhelpfully, sometimes Y is a number, but a different number to the isoform ID X value.
The other set exist as stand alone records, often with "isoform" in their name. These records unhelpfully includes no references to other isoforms, or to the canonical sequence/record from which they relate to. Similarly, canonical sequences have no reference to their "isoform" records. As such there is no way to include these in the list of isoforms (although they do have their own accession values as a result of existing as their own records). It is therefore up to the user to identify such isoforms. Theoretically, you could query the entire list of cross-referenced accessions and compare names to try and identify isoforms, but this would be a hugely expensive (in terms of network traffic) and there's no guarantee any/all isoforms would be included in the cross reference section.
NB: If you want to request a specific isoform sequence using the dash notation, doing
will return the canonical sequence, not the isoform sequence.
Instead, you need to do
# or
This will do the following
- Get the record associated with
, then get the isoforms - Pull out the isoform data associated with
- As discussed above, the isoform data is a tuple of (
) so position 1 gives you the sequences
It would probably be wise to wrap this in a try/except
block in case the isoform ID is missing, such as
except KeyError:
print "Isoform ID not found"
Other accession
Other accession queries returns a list of tuples which define, (type of accession
, accession
). The type of accession will be one of the following;
- "UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot"
- "RefSeq"
- "GI"
- "PDB"
- "International Protein Index"
- "DDBJ"
- "GenBank"
- "EMBL"
- "Unknown accession type"
The way geeneus classifies these accession types is based on a set of hardcoded regular expressions. If you expect one accession type to be classified as something it's not, this may be an error in either how these values are parsed or the defining regular expressions, so please submit a bug report!
Record versions
Accession versioning is done by appending a period followed by a version number, e.g. Q12345.1 or Q12345.2 would be two different versions of the same record. Versioning represents updates made to records, typically as new information becomes available.
One potential source of problems is that NCBI records obtained directly through the eUtils interface (as opposed to through the website) do not contain any information on related versions. This means that geeneus is unable to give this information either.
Querying a non-versioned accession (e.g. Q12345 or NP_1234567) will give the most up-to-date record associated with that accession, while querying a versioned value (Q12345.3 or NP_1234567.5) will give that specific version. However, there is no way to know if any specific versioned record is the most up-to-date record, or access previous records. This is not necessarily a problem, it's just worth being aware that if you query with explicit version numbers this may not give the most up to date version.
Note that GI numbers are unique for each different version, so deal with versioning in a different manner. The version
number returned here refers to the non-GI accession version, where available. If no explicit version is available then we assume the version is 1.
Shortcutting allows geeneus to bypass the NCBI servers entirely for UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot accession values which NCBI doesn't guarantee to support (e.g. all of them except those beginning with O, P or Q) and go directly to the UniProt servers, both in batch mode and individual mode.
This leads to a massive increase in performance when dealing with large number of accessions which meet this criterion as we avoid countless database misses, retry-rounds, and the eventual fallback to UniProt and just go straight there from the word go.
Error and Exists status
and exists
represent two flags to help deal with problems. If a networking request fails, this sets a records error
flag to true, and any of the other methods return None
. In this case, exist
is also set to False, as the record does not exist in the datastore.
Sometimes we may obtain a record correctly and without error, but find that it does not represent a valid protein record. If this happens we have not triggered an error (so error=False), but the record does not exists, in which case exist
is also set to False. In these instances all methods except the get_raw_xml()' method return
None, but
get_raw_xml()` will return the xml for further inspection.
UPDATE IN 0.1.6: Previously if an error=True or exists=False the methods would return empty strings, lists of dictionaries. This can be dangerously ambiguous, so the behavior was changed to return None (equivalent to NA, or unknown)
Design Decisions
UniProt fallback
NB The discussion below is more relevant when uniprotShortcut
is set to False
NCBI guarantees support for UniProt/Swissprot IDs which begin with O, P or Q. However, it also offers some support for other types of UniProt IDs (i.e. those which begin with other letters). There is sometimes a discrepancy between those which are available through the website and through the eUtils interface, where the eUtils lookup fails on an accession that should succeed. To deal with this, geeneus can use UniProt IDs and fall back on the UniProt servers. Dealing with UniProt calls instead of NCBI calls is more expensive in terms of network traffic because it requires an addition batch request to the PFAM servers to define the domains. The UniProt records only hold references to PFAM domains, but lack the necessary details to build informative domain data structures. However, like NCBI, UniProt servers do offer a batch request mode, which is utilized in batch_get
If uniprotShortcut
is set to True
then we default to the UniProt servers instead of NCBI for those accessions not beginning with O, P or Q. However, geeneus still provides UniProt fallback for those O/P/Q records, should they fail on NCBI lookup.
The user is totally oblivious to this behavior - geeneus provides an entirely uniform access to the information regardless of its source. To check which database a record has come from you can do
Which returns the remote database type from which the record associated with accession ID was obtained. Note that if ID is not already in the datastore this will trigger the record to be fetched.
Local and temporary caching is an important feature of geeneus which helps make it an ideal tool for interactive data exploration. The manager object builds up a local data structure, and by default caches the records it fetches from remote database. The upshot of this from the user's perspective is that if I run
The second call doesn't query the database, but just reads off the cached value. This caching behavior can be turned off on by setting cache=False
when initializing the ProteinManager object.
Batch queries
A key design decision was how to deal with batch queries.
The eUtils recommended approach for making large (100+ IDs) queries is to initially ePost a list of those queries. The ePost operation sends this list to the ENTREZ servers, returning a WebEnv
value and a QueryKey
value. These two can then be used with an eFetch
to go to the sever and get the result of the list submitted previously. The difficulty is that this list must be made up of UIDs (unique identifiers) which for proteins means GI numbers. If you only have an accession value (as is common) the only way to get this GI number is to query the database, and this eSearch
operation can not be done in batch. Essentially, this is a chicken and egg problem - to get the GIs we need to do an ePost
based batch query we have to run serial database queries.
This means that using ePost
would be great if you had a list of UIDs, but in practice accession numbers are a lot more common and useful, and the mapping of n accession values to UIDs would require n calls the server anyway.
To get around this, I use concatenated eFetch
calls for batch queries, whereby a single call is submitted with a list of IDs. This is a fast and stable way to get around this problem, and, so far, as shown no issues with lists up to 100 IDs long. The potential issue is that the HTTP GET request being made here literally gets longer as we add accession values, so this represents a top limit in terms of networking protocols. However, I implemented a recursive cascading retry mechanism which halves the list and retries each half, so should a list be too long it should only result in two calls instead of one.
A primary goal with geeneus was to create an API which is robust to input. By this, it should be able to handle case insensitivity, convert accession values where necessary, and correctly recognize valid accession values while rejecting irrelevant ones to minimize server burden. For accession filtering, we use regular expressions to ensure the only accession values which we query could be real values (based on NCBI's accession rules.
While PDBs don't fall into this category, we allow translation between PDBID and GI, although often a chain identifier is required as the NCBI protein database treats separate chains as separate records.
All the networking is dealt with in a highly modular fashion, and network failure tolerance is a priority.
Missing/badly formatted records
In all cases (as of 0.1.9) geeneus will skip over accession numbers which are
- Invalid
- Missing
- Link to poorly formatted XML data
- Link to XML data missing information
This means that, as of 0.1.9, you shouldn't have to use a try:
and Except:
block when running geeneus functions. Appropriate warning messages will be printed to standard output.
Background and license
This code was developed and is maintained by Alex Holehouse at Washington University in Saint Louis as part of the Naegle lab. It is licensed under the the GNU General Public License (GPL-2.0). For more information see LICENCE.
A truly massive hat tip to Matt Matlock for countless suggestions, discussions and constant feedback regarding geeneus in a production setting. Matt has significantly shaped this code for the better, and it would be nothing like it is today without his input (the need for isoform support, domain support, the idea for shortcutting etc etc).